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IRTA Announces New, Valuable Member Benefit

Due to the increase in the number of reported contractual problems and client account issues resulting from barter exchanges using third-party barter software programs, IRTA is now offering free barter software contract-review services for its members.

IRTA members may now receive a legal contractual analysis of the terms and conditions of their existing or proposed barter software contracts. IRTA has retained the resources of a licensed corporate attorney with over 30 years of domestic and international business and barter industry experience to assist it in providing this important value-added service.

The free contract summary for IRTA members will include, but is not limited to review of disengagement provisions, account ownership, and damage clauses in the event the barter exchange user elects to terminate the software provider�s service.

Knowing what should, or should not, be in a barter software contract is critical to the successful operation of a exchange. Such knowledge will prove helpful to exchange owners so as to avoid potentially disruptive problems in the future.

For more information contact executive director Ron Whitney at or by phone (757) 393-2292

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