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IRTA 2008 Update & 2009 Goals

Submitted by Ron Whitney, IRTA Executive Director

It was an honor and a privilege to serve as Executive Director for the International Reciprocal Trade Association this past year. I am proud of the many accomplishments we achieved in 2008, and am extremely excited about the coming year with the ambitious goals we have set for IRTA. This is an important year, as it marks IRTA�s 30th Anniversary as the worldwide leader in the Modern Trade and Barter Industry. With your help and enthusiasm I know we can make 2009 an incredible year! 

Accomplishments in 2008:

         A 35% increase in the IRTA membership base.

         A 100% increase in attendance at the 29th Annual Barter Congress Convention at Westgate River Ranch.

         The finest convention keynote speaker IRTA has had in many years.

         The completion of the Operation Outreach marketing video.

         The creation of the non-industry member category for large corporations.

         The move and consolidation of the Rochester office to the new Portsmouth (VA) offices.

         A 20% increase in the Euro Chapter membership and its successful conference in Poland.

         The creation of the Community Currency Council to focus on community currencies.

         Expansion of the Global Board to 13 directors in recognition of IRTA�s overall growth.

         Record setting Universal Currency (UC) trading.

Goals for 2009:

         A complete re-design and modernization of the IRTA website.

         25 new IRTA members by the convention this coming fall.

         Convention attendance of 150+ for the 30th Annual IRTA International Convention.

         Monthly e-mail newsletters to begin 2/1/09.

         Weekly press releases on IRTA and UC activities, beginning 2/1/09.

         Pro-active brokering and hands-on Executive Director involvement in UC.

These are exciting times for IRTA and UC. So fasten your seat belts, because 2009 is going to one heck of a great ride for all of us in IRTA. And thank-you for your unwavering support of IRTA and UC, it means so much to the future of our industry.

For more information go to

(Ron Whitney can be reached at (757) 393-2292 or

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