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IMS Announces 91% Revenue Increase

International Monetary Systems (OTCBB:INLM) has released sales volume and revenue figures for August. Following the pattern for most of this year, the company had substantial increases in gross revenue, trade volume and client enrollments.

The August 2007 results are:

         Trade volume for the month totaled more than $8.6 million�representing sales only�an increase of 81% over the $4.7 million in August of 2006.

         Gross revenue billed was $1.2 million compared to $628,000 for August of last year, a 91% increase. The August revenue also was $100,000 higher than the average gross revenue for the previous four months.

         New-client enrollments set an all-time record with 320 new members joining the barter network this August, representing an increase of 68% over the 190 new members signed the previous August.

(The totals listed above are taken from the company's internal records and have not been audited.)

For more information on IMS see �Site Sponsors� at top of page for click through.

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