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Bob Meyer

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Don�t Cancel Vacation...Barter For It!

If there�s an economic slowdown in your life (you�re just meeting the bills every month) don�t consider taking action that you might regret later on�like canceling your vacation. That practice should carry a Surgeon General�s warning: Canceling your vacation is dangerous to your health.

If you are considering canceling a vacation, and if you have a choice in the matter, don�t do it. A growing body of research links long-term vacation habits and health.

A 14-year study of 13,000 men, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, found annual vacations sharply reduced the risks of death among middle-aged men.

Similarly, a 20-year study of middle-aged women found a link between a lack of vacations and higher risk of hearth attack and death. Both studies conclude vacationing may be good for your health.

So if you�re questioning your own vacation plans because of the economic downturn, or money is a problem, it�s time to place a call to your trade broker.

See what�s available locally and nationally through your barter company, then make those plans that suit your desires. Whatever you do, don�t cancel that could be dangerous to your health!

Editor�s note: One place to look for accommodations from various barter companies, is the Caribbean...because of excess inventory. The pace of tourist growth last year was half that of the previous two years, according to the Caribbean Tourism Organization.