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Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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�Control your expenses better than your competition. This is where you can always find the competitive advantage.�

�Sam Walton, founder Wal-Mart stores

Sam Walton�s relentless drive to slash costs led Wal-Mart from a single store in Arkansas, to over 8,000 stores today. As explained in his auto-biography, Sam Walton: Made In America, he did it by understanding that you find your niche by ignoring conventional wisdom. .

In his book he emphasized that �you can make a lot of different mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you�re too inefficient.� Like Walton, an incredible number of today�s entrepreneurs start out underfinanced and undercapitalized.

In fact, a recent statistic from the U.S. Census and Federal Reserve Survey shows that �almost half of all new businesses begin with less than $10,000 in total capital.� Using your trade exchange to make needed business purchases will enable you to gain that all-important competitive advantage Walton referred to.

Moreover, your barter sales are all new sales � from an entirely different source. They provide a young company with a valuable stabilizer, enabling the time to grow into, and become, a stronger company.

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