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BarterQuest Redeems �Barter Points� For Cash

Online barter site has announced the introduction of �barter points� into their heretofore direct trade site. The points will provide traders greater flexibility in finding and completing trades � especially when there is a significant difference in the value of the items being traded.

Users will be able to purchase points at any time (one point equals one dollar) and redeem them for cash. There will be no charge or fees for the purchase of points, and a small charge for the transfer or redemption of points.

Barterquest has partnered with PayPal to develop tailored applications of its newest Adaptive Payments APIs to provide users with easy and safe payment options.

A secure payment feature will escrow points for a period of time after their transfer. During that period they will be unavailable for use in another trade and cannot be redeemed. If the sender of the points disputes the trade within this period, the points will be held pending a resolution of the dispute.

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