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Barter Professionals - Where Are They Now?

Bippy Siegal:

It was eight years ago that venture capital funds began investing in the commercial barter industry. Kliner Perkins put $50 million into the Big Vine firm, under the direction of CEO Bippy Siegal. Big Vine never got traction with the misguided game plan, and quietly moved what assets remained...leaving the barter industry with their tail between their legs. Today, Bippy is the founder and chairman of Modern Bank, a New York private bank catering to wealthy individuals.

Jack Schacht:

Industry titan Jack Schacht, founder of Illinois Trade Association, sold his company to International Monetary Systems a few years ago. Schacht has moved into the environmental arena, developing a web site that focuses on this important area of our lives. See his site at:

Susan Groenwald:

Founder of Chicago Barter and IRTA �Hall-of-Fame� member Susan Groenwald presently holds the position of president of Chamberlain College of Nursing, which has campuses in St. Louis, Phoenix, Chicago and Columbus.

In addition to opening up campuses around the country, the college ( offers a bachelor�s and associate degree program in nursing, an online bachelors degree completion, and will be launching an online master�s program in the coming year.

Spike Lee:

Spike was named CEO of ITEX in November of 2001, and remained in that position for a couple of years. He is now operating a joint-venture mentoring program with marketing guru Jay Abraham. (Abraham was on the ITEX Board of Directors when Lee was CEO.)

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