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Bob Meyer

Beyond The Limits Of Cash or Credit

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Barter Newsletter Celebrates 31st Birthday

Thirty-one years ago this month BarterNews introduced a monthly newsletter service for the commercial barter industry � trade exchanges around the world. Titled The Competitive Edge, the 4-page newsletter was created and written for an exchange�s marketing efforts, and is still being produced on a monthly basis.

Michael Ames, founder of TradeAmericanCard says, �I jumped on the service the day it was introduced, and have been using it ever since. It�s used as a �leave-behind� for our salespeople, stacked on our weekly table-top displays, distributed to our members, and e-mailed to our growing list of prospects.�

For more information on The Competitive Edge newsletter, you can call Bob Meyer at 949-831-0607 or e-mail him at

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