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Barter Industry Members Astutely Leverage Annual International Congress

Three decades have passed since the commercial barter industry�s first convention. So it�s good to see the evidence that some within the industry are looking to take advantage of the considerable efforts employed by IRTA (International Reciprocal Trade Association), getting industry executives from around the globe together in one location at their yearly Barter Congress.

In Pittsburgh this fall, IRTA�s annual convention will be held October 28-30. The day prior, Green Apple Barter will stage its Annual Trade Show, enabling all of the IRTA attendees to attend, buy, and sell using the industry�s Universal Currency. This is an industry first and predictably it won�t be the last, as it promises to add further value to the convention.

An industry software vendor is astutely piggy-backing the IRTA Congress too! Barter 21�s management realizes the considerable benefit of utilizing the annual convention for holding both a needed training session and a peer-interaction time for all exchange owners. Working with IRTA, they�ve obtained meeting space for their specific sessions. Thus not only averting the need to schedule the sessions at another time, but also saving considerable traveling time and money in the process.

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