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Barter Company Tradia Goes Green & Sponsors Green Earth Expo

Tradia Commerce Network has decided to do its part for the planet and stop mailing monthly account statements. The decision was made by CEO Matthew Humphreys, who said, �Although Tradia is already considered a green company; sending monthly statements via e-mail will not only cut company costs, but will reduce the paper and energy used in printing and mailing the statements and reduce our company�s footprint on the environment.�

Tradia is a corporate sponsor of this year�s Global Green Alliance Green Earth Expo, being held in Orlando (FL) from May 15-17. With over 50,000 expected attendees from around the world, Humphreys will be speaking twice during the gathering.

The change to green at Tradia began four years ago when brokers across the nation started sending weekly �trade flashes� advertising products and services on barter to their members via e-mail. A year later the decision was made to provide brokers, local trade directors, and corporate members monthly statements via the Tradia web site. Tradia has provided online statements for years to approximately half its members, but until now has mailed out monthly statements to the other half.

The firm mails out an average of 2000 account statements each month. While it might seem like a financially motivated decision, the change to online statements benefits the Tradia members as well. They will have less paper waste to recycle and will more actively use the Tradia web site, not only to see their monthly statements, but to monitor their entire barter account online.

When their monthly statements are ready, Tradia members will now receive e-mails with a web site link; they can then review the statement and decide whether or not to print it out. Members without an e-mail address (less than 10%) will still be mailed their monthly statements.

Tradia Commerce Network was founded in 1995, and was originally called Compass Card until its corporate name change in 2004. It is the largest privately held barter exchange in the United States, serving over 5000 cardholders nationwide.

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