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Anaheim�s White House Restaurant Owner Gains Fame Thru Philanthropy

Bruno Serato, the 53-year-old altruistic owner of the historic Anaheim White House restaurant (a family-owned Italian restaurant near California�s Disneyland), is becoming famous for the good deeds he routinely does. He also embraces barter, as noted below.

Serato has been generously providing 150 pasta meals to kids at the Boys & Girls Clubs in Anaheim, free of charge five nights a week for the past five years! That generosity has been covered in People magazine recently, and on the CBS evening news with Katie Couric. These stories and others can be found on the restaurant�s excellent web site.

The superb Italian restaurant, situated close to the Anaheim Convention Center and major hotels, is a member of the local ITEX trade exchange run by Peter & Neita Brooks. (E-mail:

The Anaheim White House restaurant�s extensive web site is really worth looking at. It�s full of stories, video�s, a list of famous celebrities and meetings, in addition to the usual information such as menus.

To access that info click here.

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