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Bob Meyer

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CEO White Envisions Widespread Usage Of ITEX Digital Currency

By Bob Meyer

Steven White�s tenure as ITEX�s CEO enters its seventh year in June 2010. It�s been quite a ride, full of accomplishments in every measurable way. One area that�s not often alluded to is the ITEX stock picture. An investor who purchased ITEX back in June, 2003, would be holding a 1000% gain in their investment. And now the company has recently announced it will be paying an annual 10-cent cash dividend � which computes out to a 20% annual return for those astute investors who bought early on and sat tight. Entirely incredible!

White�s goals for ITEX, after listening to his address in Las Vegas, are most ambitious. His long term objective envisions the use of ITEX�s digital currency by millions of small-business owners across America. �Collectively, we have the corporate focus and passion to be a world-class company.�

The ITEX game plan includes:

1.    Focus on expansion of new franchises, via the maturing mentorship program. (The company has already duplicated last year�s aggregate number of franchises in this year�s first five months.)

2.    New member signups. Signups for 2009 were up 26% over 2008 totals. The company�s recent 28-day cycle saw 521 new member enrollments.

3.    Enhanced trade revenues through new search technology. This new technology � soon to be unveiled � is a trading platform for the 24,000 networked ITEX membership.

4.    Greater interacting frequency among ITEX brokerages. This will solidify relationships of the (nearly 100) nationwide brokerages, and increase the ITEX brand in the marketplace.

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